About the Company "EuroLas"

Our company buys and sells undergrowth.
Was founded in 2000. Assume responsibillity for its
are two of men: Krzysztof Socik and Mariusz Krakowiak.
Headquarters is locate in a small town called Gozdnica
located on the edge of the province. Lubuskie far from
Green Mountains (80 km) in Lubuskie province.
Most of the products and send for export.
Our main customers are located in Belgium and the Czech Republic.
Our products also go to many other European countries.
Our first goal was berries and mushrooms in buying
our town. The next chapter, which launched
are blueberries and pickles, Currently, we have many collections of
nearby towns and villages. We buy the nightshade mountain.


40,2 degrees Celsius is the temperature record in Poland, as was the case July 29, 1921 year Pruszkow near Opole.

tekst alternatywny

tekst alternatywny